I don’t want to get into a big discussion about religion, but there’s something you need to understand about me before you look at the comics in today’s post. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints--you know, The Mormons. Which is to say, I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I read The Book of Mormon in addition to the Bible. This is not to be confused with the notion that I worship Mormon, a prophet who abridged the book of scripture that bears his name. While I think that Mormon was a great prophet, I don’t have a shrine to him in my house, and I don’t think he can do much for me in the way of getting to Heaven. However, I do have a few pictures of Jesus on my walls. Now Jesus, He can get me places, not to mention make me feel a whole lot better about a whole lot of things in the here and now.
So that’s your background. Now for the illustration that my youngest drew. In the LDS Church,we don’t eat breakfast and lunch the first Sunday of every month. The money we save from not eating we donate to the poor and needy. We call this religious practice fasting, which is different from starvation because we’re supposed to be starving for a good cause. That good cause can be anything, from wishing someone who’s sick will get better to hoping for world peace. It’s a day to show God that you want something so much you’re willing to give up your morning bagel for it. And your lunch. The idea is that starvation coupled with prayer becomes a faith building experience.
But it’s a hard sell to the kids, especially mine. In our house, we like food. We are not those kind of people who forget to eat. So last Sunday morning, the youngest ate breakfast as usual, never wondering why no one else joined him in the kitchen as he chomped his cereal and slurped his milk. It wasn’t until we got to church that he remembered.
When he was supposed to be listening to the speakers, he drew these:
I can only assume that he created them in sympathy to those whose empty stomachs groaned and gurgled through the meeting. Like mine. And his father's. And his brother's. But apparently not the cat's.
He is quite the artist! I love the head peeking around the door frame. :)
Posted by: Shelby | November 11, 2011 at 03:25 PM
I love the way you share your faith and you humor! Thanks for sharing the Sunday Comics! They are as adorable as the artist that drew them:)
Posted by: Lisa | November 08, 2011 at 09:57 AM
That is cute! I love to gain insight to a child's thoughts through their art. You have great kids!
Posted by: Michelle | November 08, 2011 at 09:35 AM
Oh, I love his thoughts and pictures! I do have to say, though, that I never envy the pets...even when they get to eat and I don't. Their foods just don't look appetizing. = /
Posted by: MaryB | November 08, 2011 at 05:32 AM