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September 17, 2010


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Oh, Aunt Susie! That was so sad and sweet, I started to cry a little. You should write books!

Laura Muir

I love your blog. You are a great writer. I even laughed at some of your witty thoughts. I also oogled for a while...... ok, quite a bit longer than a while over your food photography on your website. It is fabulous! You are very talented. :)
~Laura Muir, your neighbor, and kindred foodie too!

Laura B

They grow up so fast, but even as an adult they still need their mother. As boys grow up into men they ask for your advice in a round about way - almost like a secret language; sometimes you have to decode what they are actually talking about. They may try to push you away, but they also appreciate knowing that if they need you, you are still there for them.


Hooray, you are back!! I figured you would begin again when school started. I read all of your last three posts and loved everyone of them. I see the same things in Calvin that you do except he humors me a little more. Guess he figures he needs to respect me due to my advanced age. Don't worry - things will get better. I found that when they are getting ready for a mission they start to like you again. Little good that does because then they leave for two years. No, no I am just joking. Just love that darling boy. He is a good kid!!!

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