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September 02, 2010


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Lindy Baker

This is so darling. I love your story. And I love how you said, "I love your bum." Haha. That was awesome.


Okay, I'm a little bit late and just saw this post but wanted to wish you a happy belated anniversary. I always remember your anniversary because Jamey asked me on our first date the day of your wedding so I had to turn him down. Hee-hee, playing hard to get turned out pretty good!


Your so cute! I agree, you don't look any older, just cuter!!! We have been married only two more years than you. August 15, 1992.

Julie B.

I think you both look the same- two young kids in love.
Happy Anniversary!


Oh my goodness...16 years already?!?! Congratulations! You guys are one awesome couple! I love you guys! ♥♥

Laura B

You are the cutest couple. I'm so glad you found your soul mate. I think of you two when I see this quote: "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love hands you a fairytale." Congrats on 16 years of wedded bliss (including but not limited to parenthood, budgeting, household duties, jobs, and keeping the love light burning.)

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