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June 17, 2010


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♥ shelby

What a sweet, sweet boy! He must have such a tender heart if he has a little soft spot for those kinds of things! I love it! (But what a great quality for a future boyfriend/husband, right?) :)

Ya know...I think boys get the short end of the stick when it comes to this... My Brooke LOVES all things boy! She'd choose playing with a transformer over a baby doll anyday. People wouldn't even think twice to see a girl playing with boy things, but the other way around is a different story. Poor Jake! Hope he can start saving up allowances to start that collection soon!


we have a load of them here, since my daughter and I myself like them , so I can't stop buying them. But my son has a few himself. so nothing wrong wit it!'Hope his collections goes and goes!


My son got stuffed animal from the zoo last year. Polar bear. He still plays with those with his friend. I asked missionares how long had you played with those and one of them said fifteen, sixteen. I don' worry about that scince then.


we also have a little shop like that in the mall in prove


Okay one if you ever wont to watch princess movies I'm so there and two I think that the littlest Pet shop animals are so fun but painful if the boys throw them at each other. And we have a few kids in our ward that are boys who do play with them to.

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