Since I have a summer fun list from the youngest, I thought it would be nice to get one from the middle kid too. Paul is eleven going on twelve in October, so his list is a little flashier than Jake's. He's not one for picking flowers, and simple pleasures to him usually involve physical activity. Though he reads and eats, they are not the main attraction. Also, Paul prefers to write in cursive, probably because he earned his "writer's license" last year, which is a small card that says he can write words with as many curls and swirls as his little heart desires, which apparently is a lot.
I told Paul to make a reasonable list, meaning nothing too costly. "Make it cheap or free," I said. He heard me, aside from the zipline and motorbiking, which he was nice enough to warn me would be expensive.
There were some things I would not have guessed, like sleeping in a fort. "You mean, a fort inside or outside?" I asked him. He said he wanted to sleep inside. But in a fort. Like camping without the bugs and the rocks. Like his father, he enjoys nature well enough, but he "doesn't want to sleep in it."
And last, Paul would like to celebrate Sloth Day again. Of course, to most kids, isn't every day Sloth Day?
Jake and Paul's lists look more fun than mine. Mine is full of "wash this", "organize that". Oh to be young again!
Posted by: Julie B. | June 12, 2010 at 12:46 PM