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June 02, 2010


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Let's see....June second....D a y o f (oops my pen ran out of ink) ....t h e S l o t h.

Got it...marked on my calendar for next year.

Thanks, I'm always up for a good celebration.



I wish I could have joined in. Sounds like the perfect day to me. And I noticed that you balanced out the frozen pizza carbs with a vegetable on the side, so it all evened out. I know you are stressing about your summer, but now that my kids are grown and pretty much gone, I miss the summers with the kids. We still try to get a random trip to the zoo or whatever in every summer, but it's different somehow. Enjoy it while it lasts. Your summer days as you know them now, will be gone in a blink of an eye and then you will be blogging about "remember when"....

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