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April 03, 2010


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Jenna Schrock

You've got big boys now! And Jake is so cute! And I think you should need him to have fences too and see the dentist. In Los Angeles, my kids are all grown up too. And I'm missing every second of them maturing. I am jealous that you can be with them all the time. Me? I have to be away to keep them all comfortable in life.


You practically have a grown man on your hands there! Adorable bunnies!


Every time I see Calvin he looks older, but this is the first time I've ever noticed that, in a few years when he's an awkward RM, I'm pretty sure he'll look quite similar to this picture of him here. Weird!


What an adorable picture of your bunnies! I told Calvin the other day that he looked taller! He's quite a bit taller than Paul now, isn't he? Boys grow so fast!

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