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March 30, 2010


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Did you write this post about my house? It sure sounds like the way things go around here! I also run into the same things that Shelby does...just a little tiny bit of something left because "someone" doesn't want to be the one to wash it! Makes me crazy! I've tried letting things go to see if they'll get up the guts to take care of it...I usually get to the point where I can't stand it anymore and go ahead and clean up myself! Family...you can't live with 'em, and you can't live without 'em...or can you? :p


uh, huh. And I find that the 'Someones' are not always so little. I think I have been dealing with this since before the pitter patter of little feet at our house. But ours is not an EMPTY plate...THAT would be too obvious that a clean up was avoided. No, I find a juice container with 3 teaspoons of juice left. Or a leftover container of lasagna with one and a half bites left. OH! Drives me nuts! And it is the redundancy that makes it worse! Like, didn't I JUST do all the laundry a week ago? Why do you people keep wearing clothes!?! I guess I signed up for this when I got married and had kids. :)

And, no, I don't find that the messes magically disappear when I go to work....and they usually lie in waiting for when I am most tired. Or maybe that's when I notice them more?

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