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March 09, 2010


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Come & have scones with me! :)

Susan Hayward

I definitely meant jeans that I feel skinny in, not skin-tight jeans. I like a little space between me and my fabrics. I fully support your mission to ban tight clothing from the universe!


Okay...I hope by "skinny jeans" you mean, jeans which require you to feel as though you are skinny enough today to squeeze into them (cause that's just about every pair of jeans I own) and not "skinny jeans" as in those ridiculous skin tight leggings that girls like to wear now-a-days which prevent any possible movement and make your legs look like the squeezed out end of the bottom of a tube of toothpaste (no matter how thin anyone is - no one looks good in skinny jeans, you could be rail thin and not even look good in them - I'm on a mission to have any such clothing items banned from the universe!)


I wish I could go with you too! I even have a couple things I'm looking for....but even if I didn't I would want to go! Today is airport day otherwise I would gladly volunteer my services to accompany you. Raincheck? I agree with Laura...sister date!
I hope you have a nice personal day :)


I'm with you sister. I wish I could go thrift shopping with you and somewhere for a yummy cupcake or muffin - actually chocolate sounds pretty good about now as well. I'm thinking we need a sister date soon.

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