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March 03, 2010


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Susan Hayward

So glad you found Brooke safe and sound. It's hard to have a child wander like that. A few of our kids have done the same, and immediately the mind goes to the worst case scenario. I don't know how families survive tragedies like Chelsea King's.


This was a hard post to read today...just yesterday afternoon, I ran a quick errand to my work. While there, Brooke went missing. I was running around to all the surrounding businesses as fast as I could all the while thinking of all the horrible situations she could possibly be in. 20 minutes passed before I found her with two women who had called the police. I arrived the same time the officer did. I went to bed last night, just hours after losing her and felt so grateful I could sleep peacefully and not have to stay up making 'missing child' posters. It is a scary, sad and painful thing to lose a child and that is the closest I EVER want to come to it.

Susan Hayward

Yeah, that was my thought too. What a novel idea--PRACTICAL and USEFUL physical education. I think it should be added to the No Child Left Behind thing, only as No Girl Left Unprotected.


I was just telling Allie that I would have much rather taken self-defense classes all the way through school than half-heartedly playing bad mitten (sp?) or handball or just roaming around the p.e. field. Self-defense training is so much more useful too! I signed Kendall's petition...I think it's a great idea!

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