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February 01, 2010


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I love your blog!!! I don't even remember how I came across it, but I've become a regular reader for months now. (I still use your yummy green smoothie recipe now and then.) You express so beautifully so many things that I can personally relate to. I also have three kids that are similar (if not the same) ages as yours. And I like you because you are so real and honest(and funny!). These last couple of posts about body image have struck a cord with me, but I could never have expressed it as well as you. So thanks!

Susan S

Susan, Everytime I visit your site you make me smile. Miss seeing you every week. Maybe we can do youtube!


Oh, Susan! You are hilarious! But I do like the idea of dinner on screen. I hate cooking too, and my kids do enjoy watching junk on youtube...you may be on to something there!

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