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February 09, 2010


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Alicia Fish

I like the middle one the most. It seems like 3 friends, out for tea together, looking into the camera. I like that.

Julie B.

I like the last one, but they are all good.
I just like to see cookies close up :)
I haven't been to Ikea forever. Maybe I'll go this week when I'm off. It will be like a mini vacation.


I like the middle photo, but I also like the last one because you can see the full cookie! (Yay, cookies!)
I'm sad I didn't get to go hang out with you at Ikea today. :(


I like the middle/second one.

We have a hard time going to Ikea without a few purchases from the food area. Lauren's favorite is the meatballs with lingonberry sauce. :)

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