I was thinking about Jack LaLanne the other day, probably because we have his juicer sitting on our kitchen counter. I had wanted to find some new exercise ideas and remembered hearing something about a regime Jack LaLanne had that did not require fancy equipment. So I hopped on YouTube and found a ton of his old television shows. While there were some shows about exercise, there were many episodes about food--what to eat, how to cook it, and the like. But one in particular caught my eye. "This is a problem that's been on my mind for a long, long time," Jack says. Then he proceeds to compare alcholics to sugarholics. Apparently there are millions of Sugarholics just like me, people who can't eat just a little bit of sugar; instead of eating one candy from the box of chocolates, we eat the whole thing. Just the other day I told my sister that if I take one whiff of sugar, before you know it I'm in the bathroom sniffing the stuff, singing Grandmaster Flash's "White Lines" as I blow out my pancreas. Unfortunately, I was not kidding about this.
So I'm hoping that some of what Jack says in this clip will penetrate. Especially since I was noshing on Laffy Taffy while watching it. Anyway, it's good for a laugh, even though there's a lot of truth to it.
Hello, my name is JoAnn, and I'm a sugarholic. Great reminder to watch what I eat. 5 days (good start and hoping for longer) of choosing wisely... I can do that. Thanks for the post Susan!
Posted by: JoAnn | February 17, 2010 at 12:49 PM
He said kids on the playground were soft...back then! And here I thought it was a problem more recently. And remove jams and jellies?! What will Mikey eat with his daily peanut butter sandwich? Oh me, oh my... (heavy sigh).
Posted by: MaryB | February 17, 2010 at 11:14 AM
You have a candy problem, I have a baked goods problem. I had a bowl full of cake and ice cream for breakfast. And I can assure you that I've had that same meal probably everyday since Saturday. But it's definitely time to stop that. The birthday's over, and I have pasta with vegetables for lunch! Hurray! Thanks for the video, it was definitely a good message to hear.
Posted by: Allison | February 17, 2010 at 08:07 AM