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December 01, 2009


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Those drawings are way cool! I have great memories of all the couch cushion houses/hiding places/tents and forts we made as kids, but I don't think we ever added an artistic touch like the "Big Black Square" Monster.


I decided I needed to make another comment on this post. I love the guy who has nothing better to say then "BIG BLACK SQUARE"
Sometimes that's all I have to say, too! In fact, I was telling the kids that is going to be my new expletive especially when things go wrong..."Oh, Big Black Square!"


I love it! Did Jake make that? It's great!
I remember making tents with all the chairs and blankets and the pool table...that was fun! And I remember you in your closet. Ellisa used to do that (she probably still would, but our current closets aren't well suited for that).
I have monsters on my tail all the time, too! Sometimes I have to be like Indiana Jones or McGyver to outrun them!

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