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December 16, 2009


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Today's entry really touched my heart. It reminds us what the real meaning of Christmas is and to keep that spirit with us all year. It also reminds us that no matter what problem we have in our life right now, someone else has it worse than us and we should remember to count our blessings everyday. Well done Susan.


I think the hardest thing we need to do in life is to ask for help... great reminder that it is okay to need help, to ask for it, and to not be embarrassed to receive it. I have wanted and needed a lot of help this year, and have not always known how or what to ask for. Thank you to those who have been inspired in my direction and thank you for a sweet post!


It's been a while since I've been able to sit and really enjoy your blog. Reading this, I missed it. A real call to serve. Goes along so nicely with this months Visiting Teaching message, which just shouts out to me, "DO IT!" There is no excuse, do it. Thank you for sharing.

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