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October 17, 2009


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Suuuuuuuusan (Sorry, I have to say it like that now that I've seen Monsters vs. Aliens 10 times in the last two weeks.)

I think you're an awesome mom. And if anyone was going to call CPS over this, they need to pull their head out of the sand and realize that this kind of stuff--this trust and memory building--is what makes children grow into responsible, well-adjusted adults.

Julie B.

You know little boys are going to do things like that. Most of the time moms just don't know about it. I thought it was neat that they came to share the experience with you. You have a great relationship with your boys and I thought you handled it great. I love the picture with this post. May we all be that happy and care free!


I have to admit I thought the "trick" was a little unnerving. But you know I am a world champion worrier. I actually thought "bravo Susan". It was brave of you to photo it and I am impressed how well you have adapted to your three boy's adventures. Your husband will tell you I nixed far too many "cool ideas". I actually applaud you. You are one cool cookie and a great mom!


I just want everyone to know that you are a very awesome and responsible parent! And I don't recall your kids ever breaking any body parts while involved in any of their shenanigans...my son, on the other hand, breaks two fingers while swinging (he's so embarrassed that it wasn't while doing something cool!!)
Anyway, I loved your post, and of course, I love the picture! Your kids are great!

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