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September 14, 2009


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Beautifully said!!! YOU HAVE an amazing photography talent! It is always FUN to try new things and if you put all your heart into it you will find so many new and fun talents with in yourself!! THANKS FOR THE POST, love ya!!


Yeah for the update! I enjoyed reading it. (I loved Hillary's comment too...isn't she great!?!)

I'd say you absolutely have a gift with kids singing time! :)

I am still searching for my passion too. I often think I have found my "passion/gift" then I try hard to pursue it and realize I am wrong. So I try a little soul searching again and discover another possible passion/gift...pursue it...and fail again, if you will. The past few months, I have hit a lull where I haven't had much desire to find a new passion. Just surviving has been on the fore front lately. (I know, I know, whoa-is-me.) I think you have sparked a little umph in me again. Maybe it's time to get out again and find some new loves. Thanks!


This is a great post Susan. I do not watch Oprah either, but I have read that essay.

I would have to say that my passion is my family. I know it sounds like a copout, but I love being a mom. I love watching my kids discover who they are. I love spending time with them and I love telling other people about my kids. (maybe I do the last thing a little too much, but that is one of the reasons I love blogging) My kids make me happy, and give me a purpose. By persuing this passion I have also become a better person and discovered new things that I enjoy.

Before I had children I was working and going to school. I enjoyed my Job, but I did not feel complete until I became a mom. I know that there are ups and downs that come with being a mom, but I wouldn't trade this for anything. At some point in everyday there is something my kids say or do that makes me smile and sometimes even laugh.


Thanks for writing on your blog again, I missed it. I'm still in search of what my gift is as well...my passion... and I am ten years older than you - Sis! I think it is a common thread with women that we never feel like we have succeeded in anything, even though we may have already accomplished many great things. One of which, is giving birth according to my husband. Someday, I hope to either acknowledge what I have already accomplished as greatness, or finally find the one true passion that has been eluding me all of these years.

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