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September 21, 2009


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I am developing creativity right now by randomly folding clothes in unique patterns rather than my traditional folds. I try different shots at throwing the diaper into the pail to keep up my athletic skills and you just don't know how I might configure that marble run for my three year old to test his 47 marbles on today. Watch out creative world! I am a Mother today! My painting may come back to me tomorrow as I draw images on the calendar to help my toddler who cannot yet read or to create a responsibility chart to hold my children accountable. : ) I am creative in how I find time for myself while singing one to sleep and nursing another - all while praying in my heart for a little less swelling in my ankles.

lindy baker

I think that some people naturally have talent towards something. I'm in baby mode so I'm doing a lot of reading on development. Some babies are stronger physically while others develop faster mentally. However, things can be learned as well. How would you ever know if you were a good dancer if you quit at age 5? Also, when I was dancing all the time it was known that if you danced next to someone in a certain routine you would dance a lot a like. What I'm getting at is I think there is both. I love that you put this into words. I think about this all the time.


I LOVE this POST!!I totally think you can DO ANYTHING if you put your mind to it!!!

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