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September 25, 2009


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Crazy! I cringed just looking at the pictures!

Paisley Kleinhenz

When you sons get older and tell that story, they are gonna tell it with pride! My mother let us do all kinds of things that other mother's would snub their nose at, such as water fights IN the house- she usually started them! It creates a whole world most kids miss out on and it makes for GREAT childhood memories!


SOOOO FUN!!! I agree and love the don't forget helmet and CAMERA!!!


When I read the first part of your post and saw the picture I felt as though I could be the woman with the four children walking down the street (only I don't have four children and I wasn't actually walking down your street:) Then I kept reading and I must say....I love your blog and how you help me look at life in new ways! I feel a desire to incorporate more of this attitude towards life. Thanks!


Holy Cow! Your boys are so adventurous...but they weaken my heart! I'm so impressed at how brave they are all the time. You're doing a great job raising your kids to not be afraid, to explore, and to learn and understand what they're capable of. I applaud you and Rick as parents and your boys for taking full advantage of their childhood!


I'm only sad I didn't get to see it! You'll have to let people know next time, maybe charge $2/person to view the show. (Funds can give you a cushion if there is an injury.)

Shaelie sprained her foot/ankle/something last week when she fell off the monkey bars. She told me she was never going to do the monkey bars again, and so I went out there and did it with her right then, sprain and all. They need to learn that things happen, not everything goes right--take risks. If they don't, they'll never grow, learn, create, explore. They'll never live.



Eeek... good thing you did not have to explain to an ER doctor what happened. Our friends think I am way too controlling of our kids. Maybe I need to learn a bit from you today.


This is so like Paul and Jake. How funny! This is also why I don't like to hear about my kids adventures until after they are over.


I laughed so hard--wish I was there to see it!
This is going to be my girl's reading assignment for tonight. I loved it!

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