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June 26, 2009


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Loni Hayward

What a cute party!! You are such a GREAT photographer!!


The party was wonderful. The pictures are priceless. Thank you thank you!


OMG HOW FUN!!!!! you really captured the moment:) GUESS WHAT i am teaching my first class this FRIDAY AF GOLDS!!! BOOT CAMP:) thank you again for your letter it really meant alot to me*


They are magnificant pictures and Aunt Julie does make a wonderful Snow White. I remember having tea parties at Aunt Suzy's house when I was little. Those parties were always so much fun!


That is so fun. It makes me want to be 4 again.


My girls had so much fun! Thank you for such a great little Snow White party. (Sorry Brooke tried her escape acts on you...the child gives me a run for my money 24/7!)


Too cute for words! You and Julie are wonderful women to make such a great day for those little girls! :)


I want to be there as a little girl.
The girl with snow white when snow white did inty winty spder, the girl reminds me of Emma. Is she your relative?
Laura is ageless. thank you , nice to see snow white again. happy girls.

It must be a happy girls tea party.

sue mertlich

Thank you Susan and Snow White for spreading smiles and magic everywhere!! And for the special visit to Shae that you made to her when she was sick!!
The pictures are fanytastic and capture the magic in the girls faces. Thanks!

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