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June 05, 2009


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cute girl and beautiful pix!


A friend recommended your blog, and I've been enjoying it for several months now.
I'm a closet architect and a mom of three little ones: 3, 1 & 5months. Each time I try to get them dressed up for photos they go in different directions or just boo hoo about the grass poking them or "wanna see my batman face?"
I've wondered, what's your going rate for your photography services? Besides, I'd love to make your acquaintance.



Susan Sudol

Susan, you did a beautiful job! I can't wait to see the rest! Thanks a ton! What a friend you are! Love, Susan


What a beautiful young lady--and great photographs, of course!
Congrats to the grad!


So pretty!

Wasn't she just one of my little beehives?
aaaah! why does time go so fast and when did I get so old??

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