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May 10, 2009


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I have that All God's Critters got a place in the Choir book...love it! And I loved this post! I am proud to be my mother's daughter! :)


Haha! My Mom can't seem to get through the driveway at Burger King without forgetting the amount the cashier just told her between the speaker and the window! But I sometimes worry that it's not just motherhood, some of these things might even be *gasp!* Inherited Traits!

Its a good sign that Grandma Judy has aged so beautifully - If I can manage to age as gracefully, I might not mind occasionally ordering a Big Mac at Burger King!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, Grandmother, Great-grandmother, and all my awesome aunts!


Your mother is, I am sure, very proud of you. I am so glad to know that other mothers experience my same daily ditzyness! Your writing is amazing, as usual: simple, honest, engaging. Love it.

Susan Sudol

What a beautiful mother! What a beautiful daughter!


Susan - you make me laugh! I have RAMM to the extreme these days and I pray my children will survive me. Your mother is beautiful! I also love the recent photos you have taken. That engagement card is so cute!!!


I agree..you have captured Mom's beauty and essence. She has always been a hard act to follow as she raised five different personalities and we all turned out great thanks to her wisdom and nurturing. Heavenly Father sure picked a good one for us, didn't he.


Oh, Susan, this is beautiful! What a beautiful tribute to our wonderful mother. I can so relate too. When I do stuff like that I tell people my mom was like this too, but that there is hope- she got her mind back after we all moved out!

Happy Mother's Day!


What a wonderful picture of Mom--both in words and the photo! You brought back some fun memories! I love you, Mom!!
Happy Mother's Day~!


Mother, I am glad to see Mom, Judy.Beautiful!!!
I miss you a lot.
Happy mother's day!!!

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