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May 30, 2009


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Delfina Schrecongost

I usually write and read after brushing my teeth because I tend to be more awake at night. :p Anyway, I usually hear that song "Where does the time Go" because my dad loves the artist of that song. Also, my son knows more about gadgets than I do. LOL.

Home Remedies For Acne

I am someone who supports using home remedies for acne instead of very chemically (and at the same time unnaturally) harsh acne curing products such as Accutane and other retinoids. Sure, these chemical products work faster, however, their risk of side effects aren't to be trifled with either!

One example is:

Lemon Juice (with rosewater) <- A very famous method is to apply lemon juice with the same amount of rosewater over the pimple or scar to eliminate them. It is natural all right, and ok to use if you don’t overdo it or else your skin will be very irritated from all the acidity and your acne WILL worsen.


you never cease to make me laugh. :)


You gotta love Jari Love (I know I do about twice a week)!


It's so sad when kids reach the age when it is no longer cool to be seen with your mom. I think it comes faster for boys. We are not quite there yet, but I have seen signs we are getting close.

I like your idea of "misplacing" the recorder. Emily has decided that she needs to teach her brothers how to play it.


I died laughing about the recorder. Lindsey has decided it needs to be practiced daily... every single song. Heaven help me.

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