You may have been wondering where I've been. Or maybe not. At any rate, I have some good excuses. My sister came for a visit and I got to spend the weekend with her and my other sister. We had a slumber party, taking the name of the event literally. Instead of painting our nails and watching chick flicks all night long we all zonked out around ten. That was followed by a good couple of days spent lunching together, eating pastries at Gourmandise in downtown Salt Lake, and a long, contemplative visit to an art exhibit (which means we left the kids at home).
When my sister flew back home I thought I'd have some time to write and maybe take a few pictures. But my kids went on spring break and my husband took some time off, too. Any thoughts of solitary creativity were tossed in favor of a game of frisbee golf in the park and a movie at the dollar theatre, followed by dinner out and an easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Tuesday came and I went to bed early, planning on a full schedule of creativity the following day. At two am I heard some talking in the bathroom and went to investigate. I found my youngest throwing up in the toilet, my husband stroking his back. This is a good thing about my husband. He is not one to direct the kids to my side of the bed when they tip toe to our room and stand beside us, staring until we wake up, or until they puke on the floor. He is a compassionate nurse, always patient and understanding even in the wee hours of the morning. I, on the other hand, get nauseous myself when in the presence of a puker, and am highly unreliable when it comes to nursing the sick. Many times I've told a sick child, "I'll be right back," as they clutch the sides of the toilet, groaning in misery. I leave the room, open a window,and take a few big gulps of fresh air while I try to convince myself that I don't mind the smell of sickness. This can take considerably longer than a few minutes.
In my defense, my husband has had more experience throwing up than I have. Due to a kidney malfunction, he threw up what seemed like every day when he was a kid. He knows all the little nuances and various techniques of regurgitation, some of which he has tried to teach me, but which I ignore. I am so opposed to vomiting that I will lay motionless for hours, my body curled in the shape of a question mark, my breathing deep and deliberate. Frequently, I will plead with God to make the sickness pass, with the caveat that it not pass through me or out of me, just by me.
Yet while my husband took care of our son while he was in the act of vomiting, there was the barf laundry to consider. And that, my friends, is where I catch most illnesses floating around in the Haywardsphere. I could sit next to a sneazing, buggary kid all day long and come away unscathed. But the minute I do his laundry, I'm doomed.
So it was no surprise when my stomach lurched the day after I washed our first patient's linens. That's when I retreated to bed and commenced to suffering. For awhile I managed to write a few pages in my notebook, but soon, the nausea took over completely. It's my own fault, though. One day I actually thought it might be nice to be sick so I could take a couple days off from the routine, maybe laze around in bed and read a few books. But I had a little stuffy nose or even light cramps in mind, not the stomach flu. Definitely not the stomach flu. But the thought escaped my mind and I got just what I asked for--two days of bed rest and quiet. And misery. I survived, but just.
And that is why things have been quiet around this blog.
That scary picture of me was taken the morning after the first night of the flu. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "I look awful. I should really document this." So I did, though I don't know why exactly. The photo has not been retouched at all. Though maybe it should be!
Oh Susan, I'm sorry you've been sick. I HATE being sick...especially the throw up kind! I'm just like you--I plead with the powers that be NOT to throw up!!
I'm glad you were healthy for sister time though and I hope the evil sickness has left your family.
Posted by: MaryB | April 22, 2009 at 05:31 PM
Oh, I am so sorry. That is a good excuse to have a little blogging hiatus...however, I am sure you could think of many other things you would have rather been doing than throwing up!
I am glad you got a little time with just you and your sister before the sickness hit.
Posted by: shelby | April 22, 2009 at 04:44 PM
Oh my. I hope you are over it soon. I hate throwing up. I hate it that when one kid gets it that means there are 5 other people I get to care for while puking. Not to mention my twins puke easily and are not quick to recover. A one or two day illness with everyone else takes them 2 weeks of unexpected throwing up. I digress, my comment, was about you. I hope everyone is better by now.
Posted by: Laura | April 22, 2009 at 03:58 PM
If I looked that good when I did not feel well, I might document it also! We had our rounds with the flu and I know many have... and just when you think it is gone, someone else recycles it for the whole family. I hope you are all past it and can get out to enjoy this weather!!!
Posted by: michelle | April 22, 2009 at 02:56 PM
I'm sorry you were so sick. You are supposed to tell me when you are sick so that I can help - that's what big sisters are for you know. I hope you are feeling better now.
Posted by: Laura Black | April 22, 2009 at 01:34 PM