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April 22, 2009


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Oh Susan, I'm sorry you've been sick. I HATE being sick...especially the throw up kind! I'm just like you--I plead with the powers that be NOT to throw up!!
I'm glad you were healthy for sister time though and I hope the evil sickness has left your family.


Oh, I am so sorry. That is a good excuse to have a little blogging hiatus...however, I am sure you could think of many other things you would have rather been doing than throwing up!

I am glad you got a little time with just you and your sister before the sickness hit.


Oh my. I hope you are over it soon. I hate throwing up. I hate it that when one kid gets it that means there are 5 other people I get to care for while puking. Not to mention my twins puke easily and are not quick to recover. A one or two day illness with everyone else takes them 2 weeks of unexpected throwing up. I digress, my comment, was about you. I hope everyone is better by now.


If I looked that good when I did not feel well, I might document it also! We had our rounds with the flu and I know many have... and just when you think it is gone, someone else recycles it for the whole family. I hope you are all past it and can get out to enjoy this weather!!!

Laura Black

I'm sorry you were so sick. You are supposed to tell me when you are sick so that I can help - that's what big sisters are for you know. I hope you are feeling better now.

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