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April 24, 2009


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I loved Jan's comment. It is true that for some reason our family dinner conversations somehow always get involved in talking about abnormal body functions. I really used to worry that you thought Rick's family was too gross for words, but I agree with Jan. We do need to discuss this blog at our next family affair. I loved it. I could actually feel your nausea and past nausea's of my own. Delightful reading Susan. You are now offically a member of the Hayward clan. Sorry - I know this is not something you aspired to, but you said it better than anyone in the family ever has!


This will make a great conversation at our next family dinner!


First off, I am so sorry the flu made the rounds at your house...and glad it's over for you. No fun!

That being said, I also have to comment (again) on how amazed I am at your writing. I am here, at work, reading your post and getting kinda annoyed each time a call comes in and drags me away from your blog. How many people can claim to be so talented, that they totally enthrall their readers on the subject of the flu? :)


Flu, flu go away! Don't come back another day! I'm glad you're all finally over it (everyone had their turn, right?)
I'm glad you posted something new...I don't like to see my little sis. being sick! :(


Sorry to hear you were all sick. Don't you hate it after your kids have had stomach flu waiting to get sick yourself. The anticipation of "am I going to get it?" is awful. I'm glad that you are over it.


Oh my something is going around. Please please make it stay away. I hope everyone is better!


glad you're all feeling better. :)
Sophie had that same nasty bug last week and it was an awfully violent version of the stomach flu. Yuck.
somehow she is the only one that got it, so maybe it was food poisoning?

either way, I am so glad the rest of us escaped its wrath.

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