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March 11, 2009


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Susan Hayward

Jana: Wouldn't it be great if there a magazine called Healthy and Happy, all about loving your body, featuring un-photoshopped models?

I like local and in season as well, although it seems easier to do that in a warm climate. Your growing season is longer than ours, you lucky duck!

Susan Hayward

Thank you Susan. Most days I feel like a bumbling idiot, so these things you tell me help me to get out of bed in the morning even when I want to hide there all day.

Susan Sudol

I love your writing. You are a breath of fresh air! You have it all: talent, beauty, and brains!


I don't do deprivation very well. I far prefer eating sensibly (esp local and in season) and keeping active. I won't grace the cover of any fashion magazines, but I'm healthy and happy.

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