This is a great alternative to a traditional bread sandwich or tortilla wrap. Collard greens provide a good sturdy base, not to mention they're low in carbohydrates and oh so good for you. Here's an idea of what you can put inside your wrap:
This is a picture of cooked chicken, goat cheese, avocado slices and salt and pepper on a base of Best Foods Mayo. Now, I know you're saying, "Mayonnaise? Cheese? Those are so high in fat!" Don't stress out. It's good fat. If you use the low-fat or fat-free mayo and/or cheese it won't taste as good and you'll end up eating more of it. Plus, you'll be ingesting all those funky chemicals they put in the low fat stuff to make it edible. I say eat real food and enjoy it. (Admittedly there are those times, usually after Christmas when I've overindulged, that I buy the fake stuff in a panic to lose weight. But I always regret it.)
You can put whatever you want on your collard wrap. Lunchmeat, cheese slices, steak--you could even make collard tacos. The collards are so sturdy that they can handle almost anything. I have found that having a flour-less wrap is easy to digest, it's tasty, and it keeps me from outgrowing my jeans!
Bon Appetit!
what a great idea! We have to limit the wheat around here because of Lauren, so I always love hearing about tasty alternatives to bread.
...and I am with you on eating more "real" foods. one of the many great lessons I learned from my own mom.
thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Shelby | March 03, 2009 at 09:01 AM