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March 12, 2009


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Susan Hayward

Hey Nicole: My cat keeps me sane too. Also, she loves Rick, although he still refers to her as "80/20," as in he's 80 percent sure he doesn't like her and 20 percent sure he does. I think it's the other way around though!


You know we have two cats that are Kennedy's greatest comfort and keep her sane after a stressful day at school. I don't know what we would do without them.

Susan Hayward

Nicole: No offense taken. I was more worried that I had offended your family in my post about cats!

Kennedy will love the rolls. And so will everyone else. They make great cinnamon rolls as well. You could also add half whole-wheat flour if you wanted.


I can't wait to try these. Rolls are a staple of Kennedy's diet. By the way, I hope that Kennedy did not offend the other night. She tends to say exactly what is on her mind before she speaks. Part of her charm you could say, but something she needs to work on. We love your blog and think you are so talented. The girls and I love reading your posts and seeing pictures of your darling boys.

Susan Hayward

Hey chizuko: How did your rolls turn out? Did you put everything except the flour in the blender and give it a whirl?

You can give this recipe to whomever you want. It's a good one!


Hi, it is Sunday night.
Nobody interrupts me this time.
First, I measured salt 2 table spoon, instead of 2 TEAspoon, then put rest of ingredient, and check the receipe again, Oh, butter hasn't melted yet. good.
I did it again the inside of the plender.

I am waiting for 1hour how it goes.....

seems so easy so far.

Should I give this receipe to the bakery's wife who doesn't know how to make bread?
She must be happy to know this.

Susan Hayward

Chizuko: you always make me smile. I hope the rolls turned out yummy.

You've reminded me to put more love in my cooking too! Thanks!


OH, I am going to buy yammy bread now for lunch, then, gonna make this bread this afternoon.
(practice, practice.)
I'VE printed out the receipe !!

Thanks for sharing this.

you make and taking photo at the same time.
I can feel the temputure of bread include love.

Susan Hayward

Laura: Your family will love these rolls. After the first time making them you will be a pro. Thanks for reading!

Susan Hayward

Hey Mary Beth, I suppose you could spray the bag too. I just never thought of it! Big sisters know so much!!


Could you no-stick spray the top of the bag so it doesn't stick to the dough as it rises?


I missed the night Janie taught the roll lesson, thanks for such a detailed roll recipe, can't wait to try them.

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