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March 06, 2009


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Susan Hayward

susan: holy cow! Thanks for the recipe. I can see that with 4 and 6 cups of everything it will make a ton!!!

Susan Sudol

4 cups white sugar
2 cups brown sugar
4 cups margarine
4 eggs
Cream first 4 ingredients together
4 tsp. vanilla
6 cups oats
6 cups flower
4 tsp. baking powder
4 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. salt
Add either 2 cups cho. chips or coconut
(I mix both)
stir well
350 for 12 min. or until brown

Susan Hayward

Susan: Yay! Bless you.

Susan Sudol

It took me 30 years to get that recipe. Heck, yeah, I'll share it!

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