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February 12, 2009


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Susan Hayward

The owner didn't pay me to write about his store and photograph his beautiful produce--although he did give me a bag of some really beautiful and delicious fruit to say thanks. When I see a place like this, I think everyone should know about it! And shop there! And enjoy quality food at really affordable prices!

Shelly Townsend

So how much did the owner pay you for this?! :) What great free pub for him, albeit you are not writing for a magazine or anything, although this looks and sounds like it came straight from the pages of some cool foodie magazine. Maybe you just need to publish your own magazine? hee,hee.


Oh my goodness I was practically drooling on my computer looking at those pictures!

That place totally sounds like heaven to me! :)


These shots are amazing! Have the markets seen your photos? Is there anyway you can send this to magazines? You need to be PUBLISHED!!


Such a cool place and your photography is amazing!

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