If you love pie crust, you'll love these cookies. Palmiers are light, flakey and buttery. I haven't had one in a couple of years. The last one I had was in London with my hubby from a pastry shop run by Frenchies, or at least English who could fake a French accent really well. So when I spied these at Gourmandine (?) in downtown Salt Lake City I had to buy one. And of course I had to take a picture of it. Now that was tricky, because I live a good half hour away from the place I bought it. It took all my will power to not eat the darn thing on the way home. But I knew that it would make a better picture whole rather than in pieces, so I resisted. Luckily, after pictures, I got to eat most of it, as the kiddoes weren't too sure about the look and the shape of it. It was every bit as good as that one I had in Europe, if memory serves me right. The only thing missing was a steaming cup of hot chocolate (a Mormon hot toddy) to dip it in, as it is hard and cruchy rather than soft and gushy like a cinnamon roll. I have made it a goal to go to this little bistro once a week until I've tried all their treats. Which, happily, will take me a long time. Stay tuned and I'll keep you posted! (pun not intended, but effective nonetheless. Is that one word?)
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